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Emma Blakey

Emma Blakey

Clinical lead for Sustainability, Nursing Directorate, NHS England

Emma Pascale Blakey is passionate about involving nurses and midwives in environmental sustainability and truly believes in the collective power and potential of our professions. Emma completed the Chief Sustainability Officer's Clinical Fellowship, moved into an interim role alongside clinical practice and has now progressed into the role of lead nurse sustainability in the Nursing Directorate at NHS England on secondment. Emma has most recently worked in an endoscopy department, and prior to that held a variety of roles in clinical, health improvement, and education settings. Emma successfully defended her PhD viva in March 2023 and continues to support work in academic settings. Motivated to inspire and support others and underpinned by the values of compassionate and inclusive leadership, Emma provides coaching and mentoring to student nurses and early career nurses. Emma is actively committed to equality and diversity, loves languages having grown up in a bilingual family, and seeks out opportunities to meet and learn with colleagues across the globe.
